My name is Shih-Wei Li (黎士瑋). I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Information Engineering Department at National Taiwan University. I lead the Secure Systems Lab. I got my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University, where I worked with Professor Jason Nieh in the Software Systems Lab. My research interests span across operating systems, computer security, verification, and computer architecture.
CSIE 5310 Virtual Machines: F21, S23, F24
CSIE 5374 Advanced Topics in Software Systems Design and Implementation - S22, S24
CSIE 2210 Systems Programming - F22, F23, F24
Program Committee: ASPLOS 2023, 2024. S&P 2025.
Artifact Evaluation Committee: SOSP 2021
Local Arrangement Chair: RTCSA 2022
Room 531, CSIE Building (台大資工系館 531 室), #1 Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei City, Taiwan, 106
+886-2-3366-4888 #531
I’m a music nerd. In my nonexistent free time, I enjoy vinyl digging in record stores (other music forever!) and going to live shows. I’m also an enduring fan of baseball and the Chicago White Sox.